At this point, the goal is not just to run one: it is to write a complete parlor LARP to be played sometimes toward the end of the month each month. I certainly hope that I can do this. But if I fall behind or something
What this Blog will be doing:
It's mainly for a few purposes:
To post everything that I write online for posterity. So the people who played it can see what other players knew. So people who weren't present can read the stuff that went into the game. And since it's all Creative Commons licensed, people can take what I wrote and run it for their own friends, or rewrite it for other purposes. Or make an indie film based off of it. Whatever they want (more or less). You can see the first event's materials online here. It was a bank robbery that was a lot of fun, but went very quick.
Also to cogitate on what I learn from each LARP each month. After the event itself, I'll try to write about what happened and how to make the next one better. I also plan to write entries about the LARPs as I'm writing them and then save them for a month, to postdate them after the event is finished. (That was I can be all spoiler-y and not give secrets away to the players involved, for whichever LARPs in which that's a concern.)
And possibly to recruit people. In the past, one of our LARPs had two random guys off the internet (Jason Morningstar and Remi Treuer) videorecord themselves playing a totalitarian dictator and a propaganda spouting newscaster. Then these videos were shown throughout a 1984 inspired game. I'd like to do more of that sort of thing in the future, and if there's anyone interested, they should let me know. Right now I have a couple ideas in mind for the next couple games: none are essential, but having someone film themselves or contact us via webconference could add a lot to the game.
It's possible that the work in writing the LARPs themselves will subtract from writing anything here. It's possible I won't make it another month doing this. It's possible that the physicists running the Large Hadron Collider misjudged the chances of micro-blackholes expanding to swallow the earth. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm interested in finding out. Maybe you are, too. If so, stay tuned to see the results of writing February's game.
I have bookmarked this site and look forward to your posts!