Saturday, May 30, 2009

Note to Self

Dear future self,

If you're going to store all the information for the monthly LARP on a USB drive, make sure everything is backed up somewhere. Because you don't want to go emptying your pockets two days before the LARP and wonder "Where did that USB drive with the last month of my work go to?"

In this instance that where is "still in the computer that has Indesign installed on it at work". But in the future it might be "to the West Mifflin Garage onboard the 53F Port Authority bus, never to be seen again". So watch it.

Your Truly,

Your past self

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back on track after a brief interlude

For whatever reason, this month began with a lot of stressing out, a lot of self-pity and negative feeling about the LARP project. I don' want to get into that right now, really, but it took me a while to get started actually working on the May LARP. And that procrastination there also meant that I was avoiding writing anything here about how it was all going.

Luckily for me, a weird quirk of the calendar means that I had an extra week between larps this month. The last few games were going off every four weeks, and now enough time spilled over now that I had five weeks to get the May larp ready. And at the same time, the game I have planned this time required substantially less prep work than previous games. So I have actually been spending some time working with Adobe InDesign to make some nice looking documents. This is a big improvement over previous month's Word documents, at least in my own opinion. Don't believe that it's a big improvement? go look at this character that won't get used and see for yourself.

At this point I have a few last bits to finish, and some more cleaning around the house, but everything should be ready in time. And hopefully it will all work out well. I have one or two reservations going into the game, which I might discuss after the event is over. That's only a few days away at this point, so we don't have to wait long.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

LARP photos

Amber posted photos from the April LARP for people to see.

On the other hand, I still don't have anything concrete for May's game. I should get on the stick and figure out what it is we're doing.